Death Has the Face of Joy by Martina Rimbaldo

Picture of Martina Rimbaldo

Martina Rimbaldo

Martina Rimbaldo lives and works in Croatia. She always carries pen and notebook in her purse in case of sudden inspiration. Her work is published in Nightingale & Sparrow, Oddball Magazine, Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Spillwords, Truly you, The Street Light Press, Six Word Stories, Poems, and Poezija noći. Her artwork is published in Royal Rose Magazine, and her photography in Bleached Butterfly and Anti-Heroin Chic. Martina paints abstract paintings, reads religious books, watches horror, and old movies with Audrey Hepburn, Sharon Tate, and Brigitte Bardot—who share her birthdate. She (over)thinks, especially about death; morbid to some, but it’s part of life, too. Her goal is to be a good person.