I Wonder

Three of us carry the broken fem-bots away.

They have been used, abused, filled with organic human matter, and are now useless at their jobs.

They have merely been put into stasis, but can still see and “think”, if we artificials are capable of such a thing.

We walk across the barren plane to dump the bots into open dump-holes where they will be piled on top of others until the day when their batteries eventually fail.

That could be decades.

I wonder if the same will happen to us—we three dump-bots whose sole purpose is to discard.

Picture of Elliot Pearson

Elliot Pearson

Elliot Pearson is a writer of speculative fiction and is also a poet. His work has appeared in various anthologies, journals, and magazines, including several past issues of The Stygian Lepus.

Wandering Star

I killed the crew of the Wandering Star—

humanity’s last hope.

On a desperate mission to find a new home,

far from our forsaken star.

I caused the ship to crash—

after gouging out the eyes

of the captain—

into this lonesome planet of obsidian

where I now find myself.


Maybe I’ve lost my mind,

but I heard a voice calling me here—

a soft whisper in the dark.

They called me insane,

said I’d gone


tried to lock me up.

Now they’re gone.


I wander the surface,

guided by a whisper,

until I stand in its shadow—

an upside-down

colossal pentagonal

black pyramid

floating high,

high above.

I weep when I realize why

I’ve been led here—

to bear witness to the leviathan’s arrival,

declaring the end

of all things.

Picture of Elliot Pearson

Elliot Pearson

Elliot Pearson is a writer of speculative fiction and is also a poet. His work has appeared in various anthologies, journals, and magazines, including several past issues of The Stygian Lepus.