Call of the Forest by Fariel Shafee

cerulean loss and

snow-lined streaks of

hope were

painted in that voice.


you called me, wounded, happy and

tired from the cove of shadows and

ancient trees, and I ran, right into

that darkness filled with ghosts.


you whispered,

first softly and then

you moaned, sang the

tune of desperation.


did the wise owl fly away,

did the prowling beasts

just watch, frozen in

the shrubs?


the fool I was, thinking

how I mattered, how the

world had stopped for me

as I darted through the

knee-high grass and the

persistent weeds!


you whistled and the

rustling leaves shuffled, and then ibises

flew to infinity.


for how long did I chase

shadows I thought were

you? they were laughing at me,

the jungle ghouls, weren’t they; as I


endlessly, until I withered, until I

lay upon the sacred tree that

watched silently

as the hissing vines

wrapped around my body,

sucked up all my blood,

sang to me the


hymns of peace.

Picture of Fariel Shafee

Fariel Shafee

Fariel Shafee studied physics. However, she loves to wander in dark speculative worlds as well. She has published writing in 34 Orchard, Sirens Call and various Black Hare Press anthologies among others. She is also an award-winning artist.