Seeing Red by Chris Tattersall

His cramped, damp, and cold kennel was his safe space. The hunger was incapacitating and the beatings severe, but it was the red sweater of his first owner that he remembered the most.

Rescued and given a second chance, he relished the love and warmth of his new family. In return, he would be loyal and protect them with his life.

Slipping his leash, he darted past the man in red corduroy trousers, letting him off with a deep warning snarl.

It took little effort to subdue his target. Left with an exposed trachea, grasping for a futile breath, her pulsating blood, the same color as her Disney sweater, slowly decreased as it pooled around her stroller.

Picture of Chris Tattersall

Chris Tattersall

Chris Tattersall is a Health Service Research Manager and lives with his wife Hayley and Border Collie in Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK. He is a self-confessed flash fiction addict with some publication and competition success. A recent obsession of his being writing Novella-In-Flash. He also hosts his own flash fiction website.

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