The Parasite Planet by Kim Salinas Silva

It’s Friday


The parasite planet, writhing with worms with blood-red sound machines that are wheezing and blaring twenty-four hours a day causing tiny spheres to pulse forth and emanate out from the center of a much larger sphere and they hover, they’re eggs and


they land in the kitchen, bounce on the countertops into the sink and we’re starving and have not eaten for thirty-two days so we scramble some of the eggs with oregano and they hatch in the skillet with squinched up faces with babies without bodies and


we’re so hungry, we don’t care and now they invade our bodies and inflate our organs they inflate and deflate see they’re turning us brown inside and make organs stop working so


we sit in paralysis, nothing else to say, nothing else to say because this is our life now we were just hungry and


it’s Saturday

Picture of Kim Salinas Silva

Kim Salinas Silva

Kim Salinas Silva (she/her) is a cis gender 62-year-old woman who has been writing poetry for a couple of years. She is inspired by the absurd and surreal. Kim finds inspiration is the work of Gertrude Stein, Matthea Harvey, Russell Edson, Kim Hyesoon, and Charles Simic. Her written work and/or artwork has appeared in MONO Literary, Gone Lawn, Meniscus, Rhode Island Bard’s Anthology and elsewhere. Nominated for Best of the Net, 2023. Nominated for Pushcart Prize, and the SFPA Rhysling Poetry Award, 2024.

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