Bad Girlfriend by Scott Clark
The cold, black barrel of the Colt .357 invaded my mouth like a steel tongue depressor. The>>Read more...
Bubbles by Arthur Davis
I had a premonition last night. There was a place not to go, a drink not to have, and there were>>Read more...
Eating the Elephant: (Re)Launching Your Book by Kimberly Rei & Dean Shawker
Whether you’re launching a new book, or relaunching a book, the principles are the same. You>>Read more...
Heavenly Evictions by Jackk N. Killington
Declan walked down the street looking at houses he was casing for the night. Ah, small towns. He>>Read more...
Judgement Day by Max Bindi
Judgement day comes loudly trumpeted yet completely unexpectedly. Outdoors the dogs bark>>Read more...
Mirrors by K.A. Johnson
Jeff was filled with excitement. He’d been begging his parents to bring him to the opening night of>>Read more...
Nightmares Are Waiting by Deborah Guenther Beachboard
Writing metaphors with psychedelic ink, but they are living things; taking me to hell in a basket of>>Read more...
Past Relationship by Andrew Kurtz
“I’ve been on a lot of dating sites, and you wouldn’t believe the characters I’ve met. It’s came to>>Read more...
Robot Waiters Never Lose Their Patience by Nick Clements
January 8 A cargo plane carrying medical supplies crashes into a crowded market in the Democratic>>Read more...
Rotten Apple by J.R. Harlow
There’s a light drizzle merging in clingy, bulbous raindrops. It seems to upset the spiders that I>>Read more...
Signed and Sealed by Ngo Binh Anh Khoa
No plea can change your fate now, I’m afraid, For it’s too late to back out of our deal. I’ve slain>>Read more...
Sons and Daughters by Steven Holding
As a child, I would come here all the time. I don’t know how it feels to be back here again>>Read more...
The Beckoning Inferno by Joseph J. Dowling
The bartender leans against the wall, polishing glasses with his rag, watching two sullen men>>Read more...
The Bull in the Floor by Mark Humphries
Peter Jenkins peeked through the upstairs window at the van outside his house. A garish cartoon bull>>Read more...
The Parasite Planet by Kim Salinas Silva
It’s Friday The parasite planet, writhing with worms with blood-red sound machines that are>>Read more...
The Undying by Fariel Shafee
Dark necrotic flowers, Tints of purple Of bruises, the Sickly ocher of Decay on petals curled in>>Read more...
The Watcher, or City of Angels – Part One by Tyler Whetstone
When Reggie was a little girl, her mother had been a firm believer that children ought to get out in>>Read more...
What Gets Left Behind by David O’Mahony
It was a hard thing, being dead. Watching the rise and fall of the seasons without the heat of the>>Read more...
Without Me by Clarence Carter
Two flies circled the computer monitor, bumping in a dalliance. With a lazy wave, Sung-ho shewed>>Read more...
Ω Editor Dean Shawker
Dean Shawker Dean Shawker hails from Bracknell, UK, and now lives in Melbourne, Australia. Dean is>>Read more...
Ω Editor Jodi Christensen
Jodi Christensen Small town Utah is where Jodi calls home. She spends her days in a>>Read more...
Ω Editor Kara Hawkers
Kara Hawkers Kara Hawkers is a poet and author of short, dark fiction. As Editor-in-Chief, Kara>>Read more...
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